The Austronesian migrations began from the Chinese mainland, reaching Taiwan first in 3500 BC then the Philippines by 3000 BC. They reached Sumatra and Java by 2000 BC, Northern New Guinea by 1600 BC, Samoa by 1200 BC, Hawaii, Easter Island, and Madagascar by 500 AD, etc.
Many scholars claim Austronesians are admixtures of Austroloids (a group which…show more content…
The document also mentions the places of Tondo (Tundun); Paila (Pailah), now a sitio of Barangay San Lorenzo, Norzagaray; Binuangan (Binwangan), now a barangay of Obando; and Pulilan (Puliran); and Mdaη (the Javanese Kingdom of Medang), Indonesia as concluded by the Dutch anthropologist and Hanunó'o script expert Antoon Postma.The exact locations of Pailah and Puliran are debatable as these could refer to the present-day town of Pila and the southeastern part of the lake previously known are Puliran, both close to where the plate was found. The reference of Namwaran may also have the connotation for 'nawara', a Visayan word for revering to the dead. In old Visayan customs, the name of dead persons were not being mentioned in conversations out of respect for a the dead person being the subject of the conversation. The word Binwangan in Waray means river mouth while 'Puliran' would mean to roll from hills to a flatland, a topographic condition present in tbe present town of Lumban.
In geology, a fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity

Austronesian Migration Theory

Austronesian Migration Theory
The broad consensus on Austronesian origins is the 'two-layer model' where an original Paleolithic indigenous population in Island Southeast Asia were assimilated to varying degrees by incoming migrations of Neolithic Austronesian-speaking peoples from Taiwan and southern China from around 4,000 BP. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. Broadcast your events with reliable, high-quality live streaming. According to Solheim's NMTCN theory, this trade network, consisting of both Austronesian and non-Austronesian seafaring peoples, was responsible for the spread of cultural patterns throughout the Asia-Pacific region, not the simple migration (or movement, as Bellwood put it) proposed by the Out-of-Taiwan hypothesis. Austronesian literary migration The fourth issue of Maori literary journal ‘Ora Nui’ is a collaboration with Taiwanese creatives, featuring writing, art and academic studies by Aborigines or about Aboriginal issues.