125: All's Well With Boswell

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Boswell would go on to miss six more field goals along with five extra points over the course of the season for a Steelers team that finished 9-6-1 and lost five of its six games by less than a.


125: All's Well With Boswell Road

Today’s Scripture

'...say to her, 'Is all well with you? Is all well with your husband? Is all well with the child?' And she answered, 'All is well.'

Super Tusker: Is All Well for Boswell? By Charlotte Rush Bailey on April 27, 2017. Boswell is a relatively famous elephant who lives in Zimbabwe. His primary notoriety is for standing on his hind legs to fetch juicy leaves and branches that others cannot reach. My poor children, known, ah, known too well, The quest that brings you hither and your need. Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain, How great soever yours, outtops it all. Your sorrow touches each man severally, Him and none other, but I grieve at once Both for the general and myself and you. Therefore ye rouse no sluggard from day-dreams.


Today’s Word

Second Kings 4 records the story of a mother whose little boy suddenly died in her arms. Yet even when it looked unbearable, she knew that unexpected trouble wasn't a surprise to God. She immediately set out to get her friend the prophet Elisha. Twice she was asked if her child was well, and she answered, 'All is well.' She knew that God could make a way where she didn't see a way. Elisha prayed for the little boy, and he miraculously came back to life.
We all face unexpected challenges--the loss of a loved one, a personal failure, a layoff, a sickness. It's easy to get overwhelmed. But rather than complain and go around in self-pity, go deeper and instead have a report of faith, 'All is well. God's in control.' Then because you are rooted in the Most High God, you'll feel the peace that passes understanding and have the strength to endure what should have taken you out.
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Prayer for Today

125: All's Well With Boswell Park

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'Father, thank You that You are the Most High God who sees every unexpected and uncertain circumstance I will ever face. I declare that my peace and strength are in You, and my roots are firmly set in You. All is well today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.'