

The Cluniac priory at Thetford was placed in State Guardianship in 1932. F.J.E. Raby prepared the first official guide in 1935. This was expanded by P.K. Baillie Reynolds (1956). The pair also prepared the guidebooks for Castle Acre Priory and Framlingham Castle.

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The Thetford guide consists of three pages of History, followed by six pages of description. A plan of the priory was placed in the middle pages.

In 1979 the DOE guidebook was expanded to include a section on the Warren Lodge outside Thetford. S.E. Rigold prepared the new section on the lodge. In 1984 this booklet evolved into the English Heritage guide with black and white photographs and plans. David Sherlock had a section on the Church of the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre (with plan), and Rigold on the lodge.

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Guidebooks published by the Oklahoma Geological Survey range from general information to more rigorous scientifc study and in many cases are intended to accompany symposia or workshops. They typically include field trip stops with thorough descriptions and photos.


In addition to the download links listed below, field trip locations from all Oklahoma Geological Survey guidebooks and many other publications have been compiled as A Guidebook to OGS Guideboks available on the Interactive Maps page.

Search by any keyword, including author, location, partial title, or year. If a publication is not available for download or you would like a printed hard copy, please contact the Publication Sales Office at or 405-325-1299 to inquire about availability.

Guidebooks 3rd Grade

Guidebook 39The Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma: Their Story Through Time, by Charles Gilbert. 39 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 (Full Book)Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part IPart I: Stop Descriptions for Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 1New insights into the Early Cambrian igneous and sedimentary history of the Arbuckle Mountains area of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen from basement well penetrations, by Robert E. Puckett, Jr., Richard E. Hanson, Amy M. Eschberger, Matthew E. Brueseke, Casey L. Bulen, and Jonathan D. Price. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 2Major- and trace-element constraints on Cambrian basalt volcanism in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen from well cuttings in the Arbuckle Mountains region, Oklahoma (U.S.A.), by Matthew E. Brueseke, Casey L. Bulen, and Stanley A. Mertzman. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 3Cambrian(?) Mill Creek diabase dike swarm, eastern Arbuckles: A Glimpse of Cambrian rifting in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Edward G. Lidiak, Rodger E. Denison, and Robert J. Stern. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 4An Overview of the Carlton Rhyolite Group: Cambrian A-type felsic volcanism in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Richard E. Hanson and Amy M. Eschberger. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 5Carlton Rhyolite Group and diabase intrusions in the East Timbered Hills, Arbuckle Mountains, by Amy M. Eschberger, Richard E. Hanson, and Robert E. Puckett, Jr. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 6Igneous breccia in the West Timbered Hills, Arbuckle Mountains: Origin from explosive basaltic phreatomagmatic processes, by Amy M. Eschberger and Richard E. Hanson. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 7Carlton Rhyolite Group in the Fort Sill area, Wichita Mountains, by Shane A. Finegan and Richard E. Hanson. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 8Physical volcanology and geochemistry of the Carlton Rhyolite in the Slick Hills, Wichita Mountains, by Richard E. Hanson, Barbara K. Burkholder, R. Nowell Donovan, Jennifer C. Dart, Stephen J. Frazier, David A. McCleery, Christine M. Philips, and Julie B. Pollard. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 9The Mount Scott Intrusive Suite, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma, by Jonathan D. Price. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 10Petrology and paleomagnetism of the Long Mountain Granite, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma, by Matthew Hamilton, R.D. Elmore, Barry Weaver, and Shannon Dulin. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 11Structural analysis of Sho-Vel-Tum using balanced cross sections, by Molly Carpenter and Bryan Tapp. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 12Structural analysis of the Eola – Robberson Field using balanced cross sections, Garvin County, Oklahoma, by Derya Kilic and Bryan Tapp. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 13An integrated geophysical analysis of crustal structure in the Wichita Uplift region of southern Oklahoma, by Amanda (Rondot) Buckey. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 14The Southern Oklahoma transform-parallel intracratonic fault system, by William A. Thomas. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 38 Part II Research Paper 15The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: It’s a classic, by G. Randy Keller. In Igneous and Tectonic History of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, by Neil Suneson. 405 pages. 2014.
Guidebook 37A Guide Prepared for Field Trip 2, April 8-9, 1978, for the AAPG National Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, by Samuel A. Friedman, 61 pages. 2011.
Guidebook 36Stratigraphic Analysis of the Permian Chase Group in Northern Oklahoma - Outcrop Analogs of Reservoir Rocks in the Hugoton Embayment of Northwestern Oklahoma and Southwestern Kansas, by James R. Chaplin, 110 pages. 2010.
Guidebook 35Guidebook to the Booch Sandstones: Surface to Subsurface Correlations, by Neil H. Suneson and Dan T. Boyd. 96 pages, 112 figures. 2008.
Guidebook 34Stratigraphic and structural evolution of the Ouachita Mountains and Arkoma basin, southeastern Oklahoma and west-central Arkansas: applications to petroleum exploration, by Neil H. Suneson, Ibrahim Çemen, Dennis R. Kerr, Michael T. Roberts, Roger M. Slatt, and Charles G. Stone. 128 pages, 104 figures, 9 tables, 3 plates. 2005.
Guidebook 33Stratigraphy and facies relationships of the Hunton Group, northern Arbuckle Mountains and Lawrence uplift, Oklahoma, by Thomas M. Stanley. 73 pages, 54 figures, 4 tables, 1 color plate. 2001.
Guidebook 32Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the sandstones of the Springer Formation and the Primrose Member of the Golf Course Formation in the Ardmore basin, Oklahoma, by LeRoy A. Hemish and Richard D. Andrews. 37 pages, 40 figures. 2001.
Guidebook 31Geology of the Hartshorne Formation, Arkoma basin, Oklahoma, by Neil H. Suneson. 73 pages, 70 figures, 4 tables, 1 color plate. 1998.
Guidebook 30Stratigraphy and resources of the Krebs Group (Desmoinesian), south-central Arkoma basin, Oklahoma, by LeRoy A. Hemish and Neil H. Suneson. GB for field trip held September 13-14, 1997, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Mid-Continent Section meeting. 83 pages. 1997.
Guidebook 29Geology and resources of the eastern frontal belt, Ouachita Mountains, and southeastern Arkoma basin, Oklahoma (Neil H. Suneson and LeRoy A. Hemish, editors). GB for field trip held November 15-17, 1994, in Poteau, Oklahoma. 294 pages. 1994.
Guidebook 28Geology of the Wister State Park area, Le Flore County, Oklahoma, by LeRoy A. Hemish. 28 pages, 32 figures, 1 plate. 1993.
Guidebook 27Early to middle Paleozoic conodont biostratigraphy of the Arbuckle Mountains, southern Oklahoma (Scott M. Ritter, editor). Guidebook prepared for the Pander Society field trip held March 3-4, 1990 preceeding the Geological Society of America, South-Central Section, 24th annual meeting, March 4-6, 1990. 114 pages, 8 plates. 1990.
Guidebook 26Geology of the Arbuckle Mountains along Interstate 35, Carter and Murray Counties, Oklahoma [revised edition], by Robert Oran Fay. Prepared in cooperation with the Ardmore Geological Society. 50 pages, 20 figures, 1 plate. 1989; 2nd printing, 1995.
Guidebook 25Shelf-to-basin geology and resources of Pennsylvanian strata in the Arkoma basin and frontal Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma (Kenneth S. Johnson, editor). GB for field trip held October 1, 1988, American Institute of Professional Geologists, 25th annual national meeting. 105 pages, 67 figures, 3 tables. 1988.
Guidebook 24The Slick Hills of Southwestern Oklahoma-Fragments of an Aulacogen? (R. Nowell Donovan, editor). Guidebook for Field Trip 12, November 7-9, 1986, preceeding the 99th annual national meeting of The Geological Society of America, November 10-13, 1986, San Antonio, TX. 112 pages. 1986.
Guidebook 23Petrology of the Cambrian Wichita Mountains igneous suite (M. Charles Gilbert, editor). GB for field trip no. 7, November 7-9, 1986, Geological Society of America 99th annual meeting. 196 pages, 176 figures, 24 tables. 1986.
Guidebook 22Guide to Robbers Cave State Park, by Arthur J. Myers, Dearl T. Russell, George J. Goodman, and Cheryl A. Lawson. 48 pages, 29 figures, 1 plate. 1986.
Guidebook 21Geology of the eastern Wichita Mountains, southwestern Oklahoma (M. Charles Gilbert and R. Nowell Donovan, editors). GB for field trip no. 1, March 26-28, 1982, Geological Society of America, South-Central Section meeting. 160 pages, 165 figures, 43 tables. 1982; 2nd printing, 1991.
Guidebook 20Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian stratigraphy in south-central Oklahoma (Patrick K. Sutherland, editor). GB for field trip no. 2, March 27-28, 1982, Geological Society of America, South-Central Section meeting. 44 pages, 58 figures. 1982.
Guidebook 19Mississippian-Pennsylvanian shelf-to-basin transition, Ozark and Ouachita regions, Oklahoma and Arkansas (Patrick K. Sutherland and Walter L. Manger, editors). GB for field trip no. 11, May 27-June 1, 1979, Ninth International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology. 72 pages, 116 figures. 1979; 2nd printing, 1982.
Guidebook 18Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary in northeastern Oklahoma and northwestern Arkansas, by Patrick K. Sutherland and Walter L. Manger, eds., 1977.
Guidebook 16Late Paleozoic conodonts from the Ouachita and Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma, by Maxim K. Elias. 30 pages, 2 plates. 1966.
Guidebook 15Guide to Alabaster Cavern and Woodward County, Oklahoma [revised edition], by Arthur J. Myers, Arrell M. Gibson, Bryan P. Glass, and Carol R. Patrick. 38 pages, 41 figures. 1969; 7th printing, 1994. $1.00.
Guidebook 14The composite interpretive method of logging drill cuttings, second edition, by John C. Maher. 48 pages, 14 figures, 1 plate, 6 tables. December 1964.
Guidebook 13Well-sample descriptions, Anadarko Basin: Sample descriptions and correlations for wells on a cross section from Berber County, Kansas, to Caddo County, Oklahoma, by W. L. Adkison and Mary G. Sheldon. 139 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. September 1963.
Guidebook 12A guide to the State parks and scenic areas in the Oklahoma Ozarks, by George G. Huffman, Tyson A. Cathey, and James E. Humphrey. March 1963. 95 pages, 56 figures.
Guidebook 11Guide to Beavers Bend State Park, by William D. Pitt and others. January 1963. 46 pages, 15 figures.
Guidebook 10Common minerals, rocks, and fossils of Oklahoma, by William E. Ham and Neville M. Curtis, Jr. November 1960. 28 pages, 28 figures, 2 tables.
Guidebook 9Guide to Roman Nose State Park, Blaine County, Oklahoma, by Robert O. Fay. August 1959. 31 pages, 9 figures, 4 plates.
Guidebook 8The composite interpretive method of logging drill cuttings, by John C. Maher. June 1959. 48 pages, 14 figures, 1 plate, 6 tables.
Guidebook 7Guide to Robber's Cave State Park and Camp Tom Hale, Latimer County, Oklahoma, by Dearl T. Russell. December 1958. 23 pages, 12 figures, 2 plates.
Guidebook 6Subsurface stratigraphic names of Oklahoma, by Louise Jordan. December 1957. 220 pages, 212 figures.
Guidebook 5Geology of the Wichita Mountain region, by William E. Ham, Clifford A. Merritt, and E. A. Frederickson. May 1957. 58 pages, 14 figures, geologic map, 1 table.
Guidebook 4Geology of the Turner Turnpike, prepared by Oklahoma Geological Survey, Oklahoma City Geological Society, Tulsa Geological Society, and University of Oklahoma, with sections on Vegetation, by Elroy L. Rice; History, by Gaston Litton; Stratigraphy, by Malcolm C. Oakes and Carl C. Branson; Subsurface geology, by R. P. Clinton, Louise Jordan, and Harry Christian; and Subsurface geology of a part of Lincoln County, by Daniel A. Busch. April 1956. 76 pages, 3 figures, aerial photograph, road log, geologic profile, strip map.
Guidebook 3Geology of the Arbuckle Mountain region, by William E. Ham. Part I. Geology of the Arbuckle and Timbered Hills group. Part II. Regional stratigraphy and structure of the Arbuckle Mountain region. April 1955. 61 pages, 21 figures, geologic map, 2 tables.
Guidebook 2Desmoinesian rocks of northeastern Oklahoma, by Carl C. Branson. May 1954. 41 pages, 17 figures, 6 maps.
Guidebook 1Pre-Atokan rocks in western part of the Ozark uplift, northeastern Oklahoma, by George G. Huffman. April 1953. 41 pages, 23 figures, 7 graphic measured sections.